
Fortitude - Chapter 18

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Xxx 18 xxX

Link's voice left me so stunned I narrowly missed the necromancer's attack.

"Zelda, stay back!" he shouted, appearing at the opposite end of the corridor. "All of you — this fight is mine!"

The necromancer whipped around, summoning a barrier as he faced his former prisoner. Link raised his sword, ready to attack... but then he suddenly slowed his charge, struggling as though invisible chains restrained him.

"Link!" I cried, summoning another spell.

"Make another move," the necromancer's deep voice filled the corridor, "and he suffers."

We all froze, unsure what to do. Pain lined Link's face as he resisted whatever spell had come over him.

"Who are you?" I hissed, hoping to divert the necromancer's attention. "What is your interest in Link?"

But his gaze remained with his victim. "So," he murmured, "it is still affecting you somehow… Very interesting."

Link glared at him, visibly struggling to stay on his feet.

"What have you done to him?" I cried. "Answer me!"

Unfazed, the necromancer lifted a gloved hand toward Link. "Obey me…" he murmured.

Link dropped to his knees, clutching his head with one hand and his sword with the other.

"Obey me…"

"N-no," Link stammered through clenched teeth.

Link… I stepped closer, longing to reach him —

"Obey me, servant!"


With a pained cry he flung his sword into the darkness behind him, where it landed with a loud clatter. I seized my chance to attack the necromancer, but he deflected it and fled down the corridor.

"After him!" Nabooru cried.

Link's crumpled toward the floor, catching himself with his hands as he fought for breath. Frantically I rushed to his side, searching for some way to ease his pain. He clutched at his chest, stifling a cry, and my eyes widened with understanding.

His scar.

"Lay down," I said firmly, removing his head scarf and urging him down onto his back. I placed the scarf under his head and tore open his shirt — then froze with a silent, horrified gasp.

I had braced myself for the scar's black unsightliness. But what I saw could hardly be called a scar. The mark had changed; it had grown. Dozens of thin, arterial lines stemmed away from it, spreading in all directions before thinning and fading from sight.

"Zel — da —"

"I'm here," I whispered, near dizzy with panic. "I'm right here…"

I pressed my hand to his chest, desperately channeling my warmth into him. My magic could not reverse the scar's effects, but I hoped to somehow ease his pain. Link's trembling hand grasped my wrist, holding it there until his breath came more easily.

"It's… fading," he stammered, closing his eyes.

I released a slow, ragged breath and smoothed his hair away from his damp forehead. Hurried footsteps sounded in the corridor, and I looked up as the others rejoined us, relieved to see no one had been seriously injured. Link struggled to sit up, letting me support him as he held his torn shirt closed.

"He escaped," Nabooru said. "Used some kind of teleportation device."

"We'll find him," I murmured, caressing Link's back. His tension eased at my touch, but I could see how shaken he was. My own pulse still pounded in my ears.

"So what happened to you, kid?" Nabooru asked, studying him with concern. "Is it your —"

"I'm fine," he cut her off, reaching for the scarf he had used to cover his head. I grabbed it and draped it about his shoulders, covering the tear in his shirt. His fingers brushed mine in silent thanks.

"I can't explain what happened," he added quietly. "I tried to attack him, but my body wouldn't obey me. The harder I tried the more painful it became, and… then there was nothing but pain."

"Has this happened before?" I asked him softly.

He hesitated, then looked away. "...Not like this."

"Don't worry, kid," Nabooru said. "The bastard can't hide forever. We'll get him."

"How did you find us so far out here?" Keira asked in her thicker accent. "We cannot leave a trail in the Wasteland…"

"I should ask you all the same thing," he replied. "What possessed you to go looking for this wretched place? And you," he added, turning to me, "you owe me a long explanation."

"As do you," I replied softly.

Nabooru sighed and glanced about the now dimly lit corridor. "We can worry about explanations later. I say the girls and I take one last look around while you two return to the surface. We'll sort everything out back at the Fortress."

"Fine," Link said, "but don't linger too long."

Carefully he rose to his feet, letting me take his arm to steady him.

"Nabooru, the journal we saw, could you —"

"I'll grab it, Zelda; don't worry."

I thanked her and hurried after Link, who had gone to retrieve his sword. Sheathing it at his hip, he wordlessly pressed on while I followed in silence, unsure what to say. We had barely turned a corner when he stopped and turned to face me, his grim expression illuminated by a nearby torch.

"Why did you come here?" he asked. "You know how dangerous he is."

"I had to," I said gently. "I'll explain everything when we reach the Fortress, but now is not a good time. Please don't worry…"

He studied me, his blue eyes appearing violet in the firelight.

"Did he hurt you?" he asked, placing his hands on my shoulders. "Did he touch you at all?"

"No, there was nothing like that. You arrived before anything happened."

He hesitated another moment, stern as ever, then drew me into a tight embrace. My heart lurched as I eagerly returned it, blinking back a rush of tears.

"I can't believe you went looking for this place," he whispered. "Zelda, if something had happened to you..."

"I'm so sorry," I soothed. "I never meant for you to find out this way… I never wanted you to step foot here again."

Gently I pulled away, holding his gaze as I pressed a hand to his heart. "Is it hurting you now? Tell me honestly."

"It… It aches a little. But it's fine, Zelda. Nothing to fuss about."

"I'm your wife; it's my right to fuss." Tenderly I stroked his pale cheek. "You scared me to death back there…"

"It scared me too," he murmured.

"I want to know everything when we reach the Fortress. Everything, Link."

He nodded humbly, and I gave his hand a gentle squeeze before leading him out of the dungeon and into the light.


Our return journey passed without any other incidents, and we arrived at the Fortress around supper time. The Gerudo had begun preparations for a feast in honor of Link and me, courtesy of Nabooru and her second-in-command, Aveil. Already I could see a crowd gathering outside — building campfires, laying out blankets, and practicing their music. Delicious smells wafted from the Fortress kitchens, but I had to force my enthusiasm. As much as I enjoyed merrymaking with the Gerudo, I had hoped for a private evening with Link.

He and I headed straight for the guest chamber Nabooru had assigned to us, eager to wash away the sand and grime from our journey. I insisted he take the bathroom in our chambers while I used the suite across the hall. There I washed thoroughly but quickly, too anxious to enjoy the soapy warm water.

After braiding my damp hair into a loose coronet, I slipped on the clothes they had provided for me — a long, beautifully embroidered pink tunic, slender red pants, and a matching red sash. Satisfied with my attire, I stepped into a pair of pointed Gerudo shoes and returned to our chamber, locking the door behind me.

Exotic furnishings welcomed me inside, and a plush rug bearing bold geometric patterns cushioned my feet against the hard stone floor. Across the room Link stood before a full-length mirror, dressed from the waist down as he inspected his scar. He turned when he saw my reflection, and wordlessly I went to him, lifting my hand to touch the dark, risen mark.

"Does it ache still?" I murmured.


Gently I traced the thin, arterial lines, lowering my hand when they faded just above his abdomen. "Has this happened more than once?"

"No. Just once."


He hesitated. "When I returned to Castletown. After I claimed that abandoned flat."

"So before you found me that night?"


I searched his face, aware of his growing discomfort. Link had been reluctant to confide in me that night, simply for my own protection, but I sensed some additional reason for his silence.

Gently I caressed his arm. "Will you tell me about it?"

He sighed quietly. "We should sit down."

I did so, settling onto the sofa while he pulled on a long red shirt and sat down beside me.

"Where were you when it happened?" I began, taking his hands in mine.

"Alone in my hideout."

"Link, what if something had happened to you?"

He shrugged. "I had no way of knowing."

"You left the Fortress much too soon."

He averted his gaze, and I dropped the matter with an inward sigh.

"Do you know what caused it?" I asked him.

He slowly shook his head.

"Tell me what happened."

Link pressed his lips together, then brought his gaze to mine.

"I was grieving," he whispered.


Shame and sorrow rushed through me, clawing at my inner wounds. Still I forced myself to hold his gaze, watching him through my tears.

"I overheard some other people talking about it," he told me in a hushed, trembling voice. "That's how I found out. I barely made it back to my hideout, and then I — I released everything, all my anguish and rage… I don't remember when it stopped, but eventually I blacked out."

He paused to compose himself, swallowing as he blinked back tears.

"I didn't feel any better when I woke. I had nothing left to release, and I felt so empty and raw and… helpless." He hesitated, and I saw a rare, haunted look cross his face. "...That's when it happened."

Gently I stroked his hand, waiting for him to explain.

"I heard a voice… in my head. It said I could go to you if I wished it — that I had the power to destroy anyone who stood in my way. It said I could take my revenge, make everything right again…

"I knew it was evil," Link murmured, anger darkening his tone. "It sounded like him — like the necromancer. I knew had to resist, but I…"

He withdrew his hands and bowed his head in shame. "…I considered his offer, for only a moment, but that was enough. I let him in, and he… tried to smother me… possess me. The more I fought him, the more painful it became… Then I blacked out again."

A chill crept down my spine, and I tried not to picture him suffering alone in that dark, dusty flat, alone and vulnerable.

"I was myself again when I woke," Link added, "but I also had this." He pressed a hand to his scar. "It hasn't happened again… not even in the cave today. The pain was… similar, but the scar is unchanged. I don't understand it."

I studied his face, trying and failing to offer some explanation. "I'm so sorry you had to face that alone," I whispered, reaching for his cheek.

"I should never have succumbed to it," he said bitterly. "If I had been stronger…"

"You stop that," I said softly. "You were strong. Any lesser man would have fallen victim to it, especially in your position…"

He stared down at his hands, and I could see how afraid he was — afraid of himself, of whatever darkness the necromancer had sealed inside him.

"Come here," I whispered, reaching for him. He came into my embrace, holding me close as I stroked his hair.

"You may have felt alone back in Castletown," I told him softly, "but you aren't alone. You have people looking after you, people who love you. We are stronger than him, and whatever he's done to you will be undone. I won't let anything happen to you."

Link sighed against my shoulder and tightened his arms around me — just as a sharp knock sounded at the door.

"It's Nabooru; can I come in? It's important."

Slowly Link pulled away, turning to go answer the door, but I stopped him with a hand on his shoulder.

"Let me," I murmured, giving him a gentle, apologetic squeeze.

I crossed the room and opened the door to find Nabooru alone in the corridor, clothed in her warmer, darker evening attire. In her hands she clutched the journal from the necromancer's lair.

My irritation must have showed, for she gave a small grimace. "Sorry to interrupt your alone time," she said as she stepped inside, "but I wanted you to see this before the party. It's written in Tar Alemian — probably in the necromancer's own hand."

"Tar Alemian?" I echoed, sinking into a chair as we gathered around a small table.

Link reached for the journal, and I watched him flip through its pages. Nabooru probably knew what it contained, since she spoke almost fluent Tar Alemian. I knew a limited amount, but Link had studied the language extensively — such had been necessary during the war.

"...His script is difficult to read," he murmured, "and he uses some kind of dialect... but I think this is a personal account of the Imprisoning War."

I stared at him, unable to believe my ears.

"I had the same thought," Nabooru said, watching him intently.

"But… how?" I stammered. "What sort of account?"

"I can't say exactly," Link replied. "But it mentions the Deku Tree's death, the fall of Hyrule Castle, Volvagia's awakening... even your disguise, Zelda. We're not mentioned by name — I'm referred to as 'the Hero,' you are 'the Princess,' and Ganondorf is 'the Dark Lord.' The Sages are also mentioned by title."

"The necromancer could have learned all this when he probed your memories," Nabooru said.

"Yes," Link murmured. "But he certainly didn't use my perspective. We are depicted as weak or even villainous figures, and he refers to Ganondorf using the highest form of Tar Alemian. It's very formal, very... reverent."

A chill slid down my spine.

"This is all very unsettling," I whispered. "But it doesn't explain his intentions."

"Well, maybe this will help," Nabooru said, placing a slip of paper on the table. "It fell out of the journal when I took it."

Link reached for the paper and studied it a moment. "I don't recognize this at all."

He handed it to me, and I furrowed my brow as I struggled to recognize the letters. "I can't describe what I see on the page... My mind goes blank."

"I had the same problem," Nabooru said. "In fact I had several girls look at it, and they couldn't describe it either."

"It must be some kind of spell," I murmured, brushing my fingers across the weathered page. "Perhaps an illegibility spell."

"Can you lift it?" Nabooru asked.

I shook my head. "Lifting an illegibility spell is no simple task. There are many varieties, and the counter spell can require a long incantation. I would need certain books in the castle library to assist me."

"Then take it with you," she said, pushing the sheet toward me. "See what you can do."

"I will."

"So let's review what we know," she added, sitting back with a quiet sigh. "The necromancer is a strange and twisted bastard who knows about the Imprisoning War. He may have Tar Alemian origins, which would explain his hatred for Link, yet he obviously has a powerful Gift — something highly uncommon to Tar Alemians. Anything to add?"

"He may have some connection to Ganondorf," I murmured, "since he wrote about him with reverence."

"Or he simply admires him," Nabooru said. "Ganondorf was no stranger to Tar Alem. We were allies for a while, under his rule. They always blamed your father for his disappearance, Zelda."

I nodded solemnly.

"So, Link," she said, causing him to look up from the journal, "anything to add?"

He shook his head and pushed the journal away, clearly unsettled.

"I think we've discussed this enough for one night," I murmured.

She nodded and closed the journal. "So, Link, you never did explain how you found us out there."

"Simple," he replied. "Once I learned you had gone to the Chasm, I found the Wasteland poe, and he guided me to you."

"Simple," Nabooru scoffed. "Right. How do you get that obnoxious ghoul to obey you?"

"I ask nicely."

"Oh, all right, Mr. Hero," she said, rising from her chair. "You keep your secrets. I'm going to supper, but don't feel pressured to join us right away — come whenever you're ready. I'm sure you have plenty to discuss."

"Thank you, Nabooru," I smiled.

"I'll take this for now," she added, reaching for the journal. "You two need to enjoy yourselves — and don't waste the night with us either, you hear?"

She gave us a knowing wink and turned to leave, closing the door without another word.

Link sighed and leaned back in his chair, wearily rubbing his face.

"How are you doing?" I asked him gently. "You must be exhausted... Would you rather have supper in here?"

"No, I'm all right," he assured me. "I could use a little festivity. But enough about me. I want to know about you. How is Ashton treating you? Is he letting you mourn in peace?"

I gave a light shrug. "For now, yes... but I don't want to waste our time talking about him. I want to know what's happened to you. You said Impa was with you during your recovery… Did she know anything about your scar?"

"No, but she's searching for answers as we speak. Please, Zelda, don't worry about me. You have enough troubles of your own."

"Your wellbeing troubles me more than anything," I said gently. "And what's this about Impa searching for answers? She's wanted for treason; she can't simply roam Hyrule and gather research."

"Don't worry; she's safe in the Resistance camp. Her research is restricted to some books she retrieved from the Shadow Temple, but she's confident she'll find something. She means to hunt down the necromancer — not confront him," he quickly added, seeing my alarmed expression. "Just locate him. You're the one who sought him out, Zelda. How did you even know where to find him?"

"I didn't go there to confront him," I said quietly. "Not exactly... I had another vision. I saw how you escaped the prison, and I went there to find some answers."

His eyes widened. "You saw...?"

"Oh, Link, you were incredible," I breathed. "The Triforce of Courage woke within you —"

"The Triforce?" he stammered.

I nodded eagerly. "You used its power to attack the necromancer and break your own chains. Then you fled the dungeon, blasting doors off as you went. You even scaled the Chasm wall and ran through the Wasteland until Nabooru's scouts found you. It was a miracle, Link…"

He stared at me, then slowly lowered his gaze. "I... don't remember any of that."

"You were in some kind of trance… One that allowed the Triforce to guide you without hindrance."

He stared down at his hands. "By 'hindrance' you mean my own will."

"Link..." Gently I turned his face to mine. "You have nothing to fear… The Triforce did not dominate or possess you..."

"Zelda, I don't remember doing any of that — I'm not even capable of it! How can you say that is nothing to fear?"

"Because the Triforce responds to your heart's desire," I reminded him. "You know this. You saw it with your own eyes… on the night you defeated Ganon."

Link paused, studying me with a guarded expression. I trailed my fingers along his cheek, wanting to ease his frustration.

"Ganondorf stole the Triforce of Power because he desired just that — power. And so the Triforce fulfilled his wish. Even after you defeated him, even after his tower collapsed, he found the strength to fight you again.

"But what Ganondorf wanted was evil," I added, remembering the monstrous, bestial form he assumed in his final battle against Link. "Wanting such power is an ugly thing, and his transformation reflected that."

"What I wanted was evil too," Link argued, frustration sharpening his tone. "The necromancer... he took everything from me. I hated him more than anything… Had I gotten the chance I would have killed him in cold blood!"

"But you did have the chance, Link!" Tears stung my eyes as I held his trembling hands. "You could have easily taken your revenge, but once he was out of your way, you left him! How is that evil, Link?"

He hesitated, searching my face as he struggled for an answer.

"Think back and try to remember," I said softly, "what did you desire in that moment you believed I had died?"

His face softened with sorrow. "I… I wanted to see you again," he whispered, his eyes glistening in the firelight. "I just wanted to be with you… but I was so angry…"

"You had every right to be," I soothed. "Link, the Triforce of Courage could never respond to a selfish or sinister desire. Evil can be fueled by ambition, pride, even fear, but never courage. Only honorable choices come from courage. What you felt in that moment was righteous anger. Do you realize what fuels righteous anger?"

He gazed back at me, finding no response, and gently I pressed my hand to his heart.

"Love, Link," I whispered. "Your love for me is so strong it woke the power you've always kept dormant. Despite the pain and torment you endured, you found the will to fight back, and you thought only of me. Not the necromancer, not even yourself. Only me."

Within seconds he drew me off my chair and onto his lap, holding me in warm, close embrace.

"Your love saved you, Link," I whispered, holding his face in my hands. "But so did your Gift. Both are a part of you, and neither can control you. If you walk the path of corruption, the path you've always feared, it will be because you chose to walk it.

"And that will never happen," I added, tracing the curve of his cheek, "...unless you cease to be you."

He gazed up at me for a long moment, struggling to let go of his fear. Then he rested his head against my breast, releasing a slow, weary sigh. Tenderly I stroked his hair, murmuring soft endearments as peace settled back into the room.


The sky had darkened by the time we joined the party. A massive crowd of festive Gerudo had gathered behind the Fortress, filling the crisp, smoky air with music and laughter. Thick clouds veiled the moon and stars, but rows of torches and scattered campfires provided warmth and light.

Two enormous pigs roasted on rotisseries at the center of the party, and near them sat Nabooru, surrounded by her attendants.

"Hey!" she called, her many bracelets jingling as she waved. "Come join us!"

We did so gladly, meandering through the crowd until two Gerudo ushered us to some large, colorful cushions near Nabooru. She shouted orders as we settled there, and two more Gerudo appeared with plates of steaming food. Several dancers had gathered at the center of the party, dressed in colorful clothes and glittering jewels. They moved in perfect unison, waving long, shimmering scarves to a steady drumbeat.

The graceful flexibility of Gerudo dancing never ceased to amaze me. Hylian ballroom dancing held a quiet, sophisticated beauty, but it lacked the unbridled passion of such wild, exotic forms. In the past I had often danced with the Gerudo, eager to learn their techniques, but that night I preferred to watch, to relish the moment and forget the coming dawn.

Link picked at his food beside me, seemingly lost in his thoughts. A few dancers tried to flirt with him, and he responded with a small, polite smile. I knew something distracted him — something other than scantily clad dancers.

"Not bad for last minute arrangements, eh?" Nabooru shouted above the noise. "Credit goes to Aveil... Hold on, where are your drinks? Aveil!" she called to her second-in-command, who stood by the rotisserie. "Drinks! They need drinks!"

Aveil nodded and sent a Gerudo — one no less beautiful than the dancers — to fill our goblets with a large pitcher. Flashing me a warm smile, she removed a red flower from her hair and gently wove it into my braid. Then she reached for Link's face, trailing her bejeweled fingers along his cheek.

"Enjoy," she cooed as she slowly pulled away.

Link glanced at me with slight embarrassment, but I just laughed. The Gerudo commonly used such playful gestures to welcome their guests — male and female alike. They did enjoy Link's company a little too much, but I knew better than to feel threatened by it.

Satisfied with our full goblets, Nabooru then rose to her feet and raised her own cup for a toast. Quickly the noise died down as the crowd turned to hear their queen speak.

"To our adopted family, Link and Zelda," she said, her loud voice carrying through the night. "May they enjoy a night of true and well-deserved bliss here in the Valley."

The Gerudo echoed her words with claps and cheers. Link and I raised our goblets in thanks, and the music resumed as Nabooru settled back onto her cushions. I brought my cup to my lips, welcoming the spiced wine as it spread through my body like a gentle fire.

Gerudo wine was stronger than what we normally served at the castle, but my rapidly lifting spirits had more to do with the ambiance — not to mention the excellent food. Several others had joined with the dancers, laughing as they tried and failed to keep up with the music. I couldn't help but laugh with them. Suddenly life at the castle seemed but a distant and unpleasant dream...

I felt Link's hand on my back and turned to him with a smile. "This is wonderful, isn't it? I feel like I haven't been here in years..."

He nodded, watching the dancers with a soft, almost sad expression. "I always feel rejuvenated when I come here. They're so free-spirited… It's contagious." He sighed and fingered his goblet. "Most of the time, at least."

I nodded, staring gloomily into my own cup. Neither of us could truly enjoy the festivities that night, not while my departure loomed only hours away and his ominous scar still weighed on our minds. Finding no words to comfort him, I placed my cup aside and lay my head on his shoulder, snuggling closer as he wrapped his arm around me.

Eventually the dancers dispersed back into the crowd, and an older trio emerged to play their guitars. Their nimble fingers strummed quick, lively tunes, rousing our spirits and soothing our minds with slower, romantic melodies, sometimes accompanied by two young singers. I listened with my eyes closed, abandoning myself to the beautiful sounds.

Then I felt Link take my hand, and my eyes opened as he gently opened my fingers to kiss the center of my palm. Pleasant chills danced across my skin, growing stronger as he pressed two more kisses along the underside of my wrist. Slowly he lifted his eyes to mine, noting my heated gaze before he pressed his lips to mine. Eagerly I kissed him back, letting the festivities fade to a blissful haze. I knew only his warm embrace, his mouth moving with mine…

Loud whistles startled me back to reality, and I broke away to find we had gained ourselves an audience. Nabooru halfheartedly shushed the now giggling girls and cast us a wide, encouraging grin. I hid my face against Link's shoulder, which did nothing to quiet their amusement.

"Never mind them," he soothed, caressing my arm. "Din knows they have their own public displays."

"I want to leave," I whispered, lifting my gaze to his. "I want to be alone with you."

His face softened as he stroked my cheek, and he nodded his understanding. Pressing another softer kiss to my lips, he then rose to his feet, offering his hands to help me up as well.

We glanced back at Nabooru, hoping our early departure wouldn't offend her, but she waved us off with another grin. Two Gerudo had taken the stage to juggle torches and scimitars, so Link and I slipped away without drawing much attention. Hand in hand we returned to the Fortress, eager for our seclusion.


We returned to our chambers in silence, and I found myself growing increasingly nervous. It seemed ages had passed since our last night together, yet my earlier passion had faded, doused beneath a sudden wave of insecurity.

A bright, welcoming hearth greeted us in our bedchamber, bathing the room with its warm, cozy glow. I caught a trace of incense and breathed deeply, hoping it would calm my nerves.

Nightclothes had been laid out for us, and wordlessly I took mine to change in the bathroom. Seeking privacy in Link's presence felt strange, but without the bond I felt suddenly ill-equipped for the situation. His state of mind was a mystery to me, and I didn't want to pressure him in some way.

You're the one who feels pressured.

Pushing aside those unpleasant thoughts, I changed into my nightgown and unraveled my braid to comb out the tangles. Carefully I worked the brush, watching my hair fall in soft, golden waves about my shoulders. My face seemed to blush in the candlelight, which I attributed to the wine.

My nightgown did nothing to ease my self-consciousness. The silky, lilac material hung off the shoulders and clung to my hips, cutting low enough to expose plenty of skin. It was a typical Gerudo gown, immodest without being tasteless, but more humble attire did exist in Gerudo culture.

Grabbing a robe off a nearby hook, I threw it on, tied it shut, and turned my back to the mirror.

"Nabooru," I muttered, crossing my arms with a huff. Clearly she had taken delight in hosting my romantic escapade with Link. So why can't I enjoy myself? Why do I hesitate like this?

Link had done nothing to rouse my insecurity. I always wanted to look beautiful for him, and yet…

My thoughts dissipated when a flash of gold drew my gaze toward a small table by the door. On it sat the neatly folded clothes I had worn to the Temple of Time. The Ocarina sat atop the small pile — next to a small golden ring.

That ring... The attendants had most likely rescued it from my pocket when they collected our laundry. I'd been too concerned about Link's scar to remember it.

I crossed the room to pick it up, and my breath hitched when I recognized its outer engraving — Ancient Hylian script, carved to match that of my own ring.

"Through fate found…"

The words formed one half of the complete line engraved on our wedding rings — my ring finished it with "by love bound." Simple though they were, these words captured the essence of our devotion. As chosen protectors of Hyrule, Link and I had been destined to cross paths, but we loved each other despite the bonds of fate, not because them.

Through fate found… by love bound.

A calmness settled upon me then, quieting my nerves. Closing my fingers around Link's ring, I gathered my clothes and took the Ocarina, wanting to keep them within sight. Then I reached for the doorknob and stepped into the bedroom.

He sat on the sofa, gazing into the fire with a solemn, almost troubled expression. His nightclothes, a long, loose white shirt and pants, seemed unfairly modest compared my gown. Still the fire illuminated his handsome features, casting him in a warm, gentle light, and my heart quickened all the same.

He lifted his head and quickly rose to his feet, watching me approach with a tender, captivated gaze.

"You looked so far away," I said, setting my clothes aside. "A rupee for your thoughts?"

"Just more of the same," he murmured, reaching for my hand. "What's this...?"

I opened my fingers, smiling at his look of surprise.

"My ring," he breathed. "You found it?"

"In the cave earlier today." Gently I took his hand and slipped the ring onto his finger. "It's a good omen for us... Don't you think?"

He returned my smile and reached for my cheek, angling his head to softly kiss my lips. We had barely parted before he kissed me again, more firmly that time. I wrapped my arms around his neck, drawing him closer as we kissed again and again.

Eventually I felt his hands move between us, fumbling to untie my robe without breaking our kisses. Quickly I moved to shrug it off, bringing my arms back around him as it dropped to my feet. Link buried his face into the hollow of my shoulder, whispering my name as he breathed in my scent.

I sighed into his shoulder, savoring the warmth of his hands along my exposed back. Instinctively we made our way toward the bed, easing down onto its soft, welcoming sheets without breaking our rhythm. Gently Link laced our fingers above my head, kissing a wanton path down my neck. Then his hands released mine, sliding along my arms and down toward my hips.

"Gods, you feel so good…" he breathed, pressing hot kisses along my low neckline.

A dizzying, conflicting rush of emotions burned within me, and my breath caught when he pushed up my nightgown to kiss my belly…

Then something in me froze.

I heard myself whimper, and Link paused when I tensed beneath him.

"Zelda?" He lifted his head, concern flooding his face. "What's wrong? Did I hurt you?"

"No," I whispered, sitting up and straightening my gown. A tear slid down my burning cheek, and quickly I brushed it away, struggling to sort out my feelings.

"Zelda —"

"You did nothing wrong," I assured him softly, forcing myself to meet his gaze. "It's just, when you kissed me like that… it all came rushing back…"

I trailed off as realization filled his face.

"Oh, Zelda… I'm so sorry — that was insensitive —"

"No," I insisted, placing my hand over his. "No, it wasn't. You didn't do anything wrong. It's just... I – I had a strange feeling, like a flashback, and I felt so… so ashamed…"

My voice broke as more tears slid down my face, and gently Link moved to brush them away

"You have no reason to be ashamed," he said softly.

"Yes, I do," I choked, pulling away from him. "How can you even want me like this? After what I did? After what I caused?"

"Zelda —" Link tried to reach for my hand, but I quickly pulled away.

"Don't you dare tell me I didn't know — that's no excuse. All that means is I failed to pay attention, that our child is dead because of my ignorance! My weakness!"

The words came with a ferocity I never meant for him, and I hid my face in my hands, muffling my sobs.

Gently Link drew me into his arms, holding me close as I wept against his shoulder. For a while he wept with me, soothing me with tender, wordless affections, until my sobs had quieted.

"I'm sorry," I whispered, sniffling softly. "I didn't... I thought I was past this."

"Of course you aren't past this," he murmured. "You've been trapped under Ashton's regime, separated from those who love you..." He sighed and kissed my hair, tightening his hold on me. "Zelda, you have such strength in you…"

I shook my head, swallowing another rush of tears. "I wasn't strong enough. I feel like I've failed you... You and our baby."

Gently he took my chin and brought my gaze to his. "You haven't failed anyone," he said softly. "This was beyond your control."

"You don't know that —"

"Sweetheart, even if you had known — to place any blame on you would be heartless, especially when I caused so much of your pain. You faced so much grief all at once, and you survived it all on your own. That takes incredible strength, Zelda."

Again I shook my head, unwilling to accept his words.

"I can't bear disappointing you again," I choked. "All you've ever wanted is a family —"

"All I've ever wanted is you," he soothed, cradling my face in his hands. "You are my family, and nothing, nothing will change how I feel about you."

I closed my eyes, choking out his name as he kissed me with all the tenderness he could muster. I could feel him holding back, for my sake, and so I responded with heated, near desperate kisses until he gently broke away.

"Zelda," he breathed, startled by my sudden intensity. "Don't do this for me… Not if you aren't ready. I'll wait as long as you need."

"I know you would," I whispered. "But I'm more than ready. I need to feel something other than sorrow and grief… And I know you do too."

He traced the curve of my cheek, his sad eyes searching mine, and I almost sensed his longing.

"Please, Link," I whispered. "Don't hold back. I need this… I need you."

He kissed me in reply, cradling my head as he lay me back down against the pillows. Our kisses grew breathless, urgent, and I clawed at his shirt until he ripped it off and tossed it away. Unfazed by his dark, glaring scar, I slid my hands up toward his shoulders, savoring the firm contours of his body. With every touch I wanted him more… yet I could not ignore an ever present, unwelcome change.

The bond. Or rather its absence.

It had always been a mysterious part of our friendship, growing stronger as we grew closer, until everything changed on our wedding night. By casting aside all reservations and joining our souls into one, we had awakened the true potential of our bond. We discovered we could sense each other's presence, and we shared our emotions: joy, sorrow, pain, pleasure — everything.

And now we feel nothing. Even our telepathy had been lost.

"This almost feels like our first time again," I whispered against his cheek.

Link gave me a sad smile. "You may have to guide me a bit… I feel a little blind without the bond."

I gave a soft laugh. "I doubt I'll have any reason to complain."

"Well, in case you do," he murmured, sweeping my hair back away from my forehead, "you let me know."

I sighed as he kissed me, running my fingers through his long, loose hair. His mere touch set me ablaze, yet I struggled to ignore the unwanted void between us. I longed to taste his pleasure, to feel it mingling with my own...

"I do wish I could feel you," I whispered. "All of you..."

Link paused, then pressed a tender, lingering kiss to my lips. "I miss it too," he murmured, stroking my cheek. "But we still have each other… I can show you how much I love you, and that's all I need."

"Yes," I breathed, running my hands up his back.

The night passed in a blissful haze of love, passion, and healing. Each wave of pleasure helped banish my sorrow and drew me as close to Link as I'd ever been. I could not sense his emotions, but I felt them in his tenderness, heard them in his sweet, breathless voice… I saw them in his gentle, beautiful eyes.

I knew our time was fleeting, and that our painful, inevitable separation lay mere hours away. But lying there in his arms, engulfed in the peaceful afterglow, I felt strong enough to face the unknown.

Hooray, the next chapter is done! :dance:

Okay, so I've been really unhappy with Chapters 18 and 19 lately, mostly because there was too much filler content or lack of flow. So for the revision I combined them into this one chapter. I am much happier with this new version, and I hope you enjoy it too! :D


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the necromancer is either zant or girahim